Reservoir Characteristics and Three-dimensional Architectural Structure of a Complex Fault-block Reservoir, Beach Area, China

Xue Li*, Tao Tong, Tiedao Lu
School of Petroleum Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou, 213164, China

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* Address correspondence to this author at School of Petroleum Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China, Tel: +86 15189714498; Email:


The objective area is a complex fault-block reservoir, and is provided by China Petroleum Engineering Design Competition(CPEDC). Reservoir characteristics, including stratigraphic features, vertical changes and section properties (thickness, percentage sand and percentage amalgamation) are documented. Based on comprehensive analysis on structural architecture and reservoir characteristics, a three-dimensional quantitative reservoir modeling is taken at a regional-scale of 69×97×37 m3 with the application of geostatistics as theoretical guidance, and thus high-resolution hierarchical reservoir model is generated with a combination of hierarchical data, structural data, physical data and well trajectory data. Therefore, the established three-dimensional geological model integrates all well-point information and structural information, and provides a basic model for subsequent sedimentary microfacies modeling and property modeling as well. Finally, three-dimensional fence diagrams, connecting-well sections and well group profiles are built successively.

Keywords: Reservoir characteristics, Architectural structure, Fault block reservoir, Three-dimensional modeling, Beach area, CPEDC.