A Cheap Inflatable High Altitude Gas Pipeline§

Alexander A. Bolonkin*
1310 Avenue R, Suite 6-F, Brooklyn, New York 11229, USA.

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© 2009 Alexander A. Bolonkin;

open-access license: This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC-BY 4.0), a copy of which is available at: This license permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

* Address correspondence to this author at the 1310 Avenue R, Suite 6-F, Brooklyn, New York 11229, USA; E-mail:
§ Presented in, 2008, search “Bolonkin”


Design of new cheap aerial pipelines, a large flexible tube deployed at high altitude, for delivery of natural (fuel) gas, water, and other payload over a long distance is delineated. The main component of the natural gas is methane which has a specific weight less than air. A lift force of one cubic meter of methane equals approximately to 0.5 kg (1 pound). The lightweight film flexible pipeline can be located in air at high altitude and, as such, does not damage the environment. Using the lift force of this pipeline and wing devices payloads of oil, water, or other fluids, or even solids, such as coal, cargo, passengers can be delivered cheaply at long distance. This aerial pipeline dramatically decreases the cost and the time of construction relative to conventional pipelines of steel, which saves energy and greatly lowers the capital cost of construction.

The article contains a computed project for delivering 24 billion cubic meters of gas and tens of million tons of oil, water or other payload per year.

Keywords: Gas pipeline, water pipeline, aerial pipeline, inflatable pipeline.