Comparison of Rapid Quantification of Aviation Kerosene by Short-Wave and Long-wave Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

Xing Zhi-Na*, Wang Ju-Xiang, Liu Jie, Shen Gang
Department of Airborne Vehicle Engineering, Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University, Yantai, Shandong, China, 264001

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The application of short-wave NIRS (SW-NIRS) in determining acidity of aviation kerosene was described in term of chemometrics, and compared with long-wave NIRS (LW-NIRS). The standard error of prediction (SEP) of SWNIRS and LW-NIRS were 0.097 mgKOH/100mL and 0.091mgKOH/100mL respectively. A t-test showed that the SWNIRS model and LW-NIRS one all had an accuracy equivalent to that of GB/T7304 in the analysis of acidity of aviation kerosene. However the SW-NIRS method had the particular advantage of cheaper analysis cost than LW-NIRS. In results, SW-NIRS possessed the important application significance in the course of general test and production monitor.

Keywords: Aviation kerosene, acidity, shortwave near infrared spectroscopy (SW-NIRS), long wave near infrared spectroscopy (LW-NIRS), comparison..