Investigation of the Features About Steam Breakthrough in Heavy Oil Reservoirs During Steam Injection

Dong Xiao-Hu*, Liu Hui-Qing
No. 18 Fuxue Road, Changping District, Beijing, China. Postcard: 102249.

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© 2012 Xiao-Hu et al.;

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Correspondence: * Address correspondence to this author at the No. 18 Fuxue Road, Changping District, Beijing, China. Postcard: 102249; Tel: 010-8973. 1163; E-mail:


With the further exploitation of heavy oil reservoirs, steam breakthrough blocks are seen in more and more areas and pose increasing damage. Based on the qualitative understanding of the formation mechanism of steam channeling, the concepts of steaming time and heat invading volume are introduced. After that, the geological models of steam injection of heavy oil reservoirs are established. We describe the sensitive factors affecting the steam channeling in a relatively accurate manner and mainly study the influence of several parameters on steaming time and heat invading volume. The results present that the possibility of steam channeling is higher and the time it takes is shorter when the permeability is greater, viscosity higher, depth shallower, steaming strength bigger and layer looser. Orthogonal design results show that the k-values of permeability on steaming time and heat invading volume are 7.43, 19.0 respectively, it has the most significant influence on two indicators.

Keywords: heavy oil reservoir, steam injection, steam breakthrough, orthogonal design..