Analyzing Packer's Deformation of Tubular for Unsetting Process in HTHP Wells under Variable (T, P) Fields

Yunqiang Liu, Feng Guo, Jiuping Xu*
Uncertainty Decision- Making Laboratory, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610064, China.

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© 2012 Liu et al.;

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Correspondence: * Address corresopondence to this author at the Uncertainty Decision- Making Laboratory, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610064, China; Tel:+86 28 85418522; Fax: +86 28 85400222; E-mail:


In this paper, the axial stress and deformation of high temperature high pressure super-deep deviated gas wells are studied. A new model presents multiple nonlinear equation systems, which comprehensively consider the axial load of the tubular string, internal and external fluid pressure, normal pressure between the tube and well wall, friction and the viscous friction of fluid flowing under variable temperature and pressure fields, instead of the traditional methods. The initial axial load, the pressure effect, the friction, temperature effect and sucker-rod pumping effect are derived using a dimensionless iterative interpolation algorithm. Basic data from the X Well (high temperature-high pressure gas well), 6115 meters deep, are used for case history calculations. The results and some useful conclusions could provide technical reliability in oil and gas well testing design.

Keywords: Axial deformation, HTHP well, helical buckling.