Finite Element Simulation of Wireline Formation Tester Applied in Fractured Reservoir

Di Dejia*, Tao Guo, Wang Hua , Zhang Kuo
China University of Petroleum-Beijing, 18 Fuxue Road, Changping, Beijing China 102249.

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© 2012 Dejia et al.;

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This paper used finite element method to simulate the pressure response of wireline formation tester applied in fractured reservoir. At first, the interval pressure transient tests (IPTT) are used to test the pressure response for both crossing well bore and non-crossing fractures in low permeability formation. The simulation results indicate that the fractures crossing the well bore can have dramatic effect on pressure response depending on fractures conductivity, but non-crossing fractures in the vicinity of the well bore have negligible effect. Then the paper used numerical simulation to analyze the feasibility that evaluates the fractures non-crossed well bore with the method of harmonic pulse testing, the results indicate both harmonic amplitude and phase shift are sensitive to the conductivity of fractures in the vicinity of well bore and certify the method can be used to evaluate the fractures efficiently.

Keywords: Finite element method, Wireline formation tester, Interval pressure transient tests.