Rapid Measurement of Diesel Engine Oil Quality By Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

Xing Zhi-Na*, Wang Jiu-Xiang, Qu Jun
Department of Airborne Vehicle Engineering, Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University, Yantai 264001, Shandong, China

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A near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) rapid measurement was applied to diesel engine oil quality. 100°c kinematic viscosity change rate and flash point of CD 15W lubricant were built by the means of interval and combination partial least (icPLS). The calibration correlation coefficient (R2 validation) and least prediction standard error (SEP) of these models were 0.8954, 2.24% and 0.7729, 2°C respectively. A t-test (α=0.05) showed that the NIR model had an accuracy equivalent to that of the standard method in the analysis for both 100°c kinematic viscosity and flash point. It was indicated that NIRS method was a new analysis means, which could take place of traditional method, for rapid measurement of diesel engine oil quality.

Keywords: Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), diesel engine oil, 100°C kinematic viscosity change rate, flash point, rapid measure.