Research and Practice of Rotating Technique for Liner Hanger

Lanrong Ma*, 1, 2, Deguo Wang1, Zhaohui Guo2, Chenliang Ruan2, Lei Gu2
College of Mechanical and Transportation Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China.

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© 2012 Ma et al.;

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Rotating liner hanger cementing technique plays a significant role in solving complex problems of drilling operations. The technique can eliminate resistance of liner running, and greatly improve the efficiency of cement slurry displacement while pumping cement slurry. In this paper, a set of rotating liner tool composed of rotating liner hanger, hydraulic release tool, rotating cementing head and low-drag spiral centralizer has been developed. And the sealed bearing is researched, which is the key part of rotating liner hanger, and can improve bearing load and life by optimizing its material, structure and processing. Oilfield tests show the rotating liner hanger can function well in terms of rotating, setting and releasing. This paper describes the design method, structure principle, characteristics and oilfield application cases of the tool.

Keywords: Bearing, hydraulic release tool, ground tests, oil field tests.