Study on Steam Huff and Puff Injection Parameters of Herringbone Well in Shallow and Thin Heavy Oil Reservoir

Ma Cuiyu1, *, Liu Yuetian1, Lian Peiqing2, Wang Chunhong1, Li Jingli2
Department of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum–Beijing, 18 Fuxue Road, Changping, Beijing, 102249 China.

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© 2013 Jingli et al.;

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With the development of heavy oil recovery technology, the application of herringbone well in heavy oil exploitation gradually expands. In this paper, the development effect of herringbone well is compared with that of horizontal well in shallow and thin heavy oil reservoir. The results show that herringbone well could receive an anticipated development effect and economic benefit in steam huff and puff. Numerical simulation and gray relational analysis are used to study the sensitivity of injection parameters during steam huff and puff of herringbone well in shallow and thin heavy oil reservoir. The descending order of the sensitivity injection parameters during steam huff and puff of herringbone well is concluded. Cycle steam injection volume is the most important parameter which affects the productivity of herringbone well, and the sequence of other parameters is steam dryness, steam injection rate and soak time. As a result, the steam injection parameters are optimized. Optimization results are as follows: cycle steam injection volume is 7000t, steam dryness is greater than 50%, steam injection rate is 600t/d, and soak time is 4 to 7 days.

Keywords: Steam stimulation, sensitivity analysis, umerical simulation.