Focus on the Development of Shale Gas Industrial Clusters in China - Based on SWOT Analysis

Zhengwei Ma*, Xiucheng Dong, Siyu Lin
School of Business Administration, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, 102249, China.

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© 2014 Ma et al.;

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* Address correspondence to this author at the School of Business Administration, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, 102249, China. Tel: 010-89731507; E-mail:


The worldwide energies’ price continues to rise again. More countries pay more attention to unconventional energies. Shale gas is one of the significant unconventional energy sources. With the successful development of shale gas in the United States, more and more countries and corporations focus on the shale gas exploitation. The large recoverable reserves of shale gas will ensure China's energy security and diversified energy supply, and it is also an effective way for China to transform into the clean energy economy mode. However, Chinese shale gas development still has a long way to go. By using the SWOT analysis method, this paper studies the internal and external development environment of establishing shale gas industrial clusters in China, and then explores development status of shale gas industrial clusters from four dimensions including strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Finally, according to the combinations of SWOT matrix analysis, the paper formulates four kinds of different development strategies to provide certain references to the development of shale gas industrial clusters in China.

Keywords: China, industrial clusters, shale gas, SWOT analysis.