Study on Storable Down-hole Drilling String Vibration Testing System

Liang Ge1, 2, Pan Hu1, Ze Hu3, Pin Chen4, Qing Yang1, Zhengyin Wang1, Junbi Liao2
1 College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, China, 610500
2 Department of Measuring and Control, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, 610500
3 College of Electric and Information, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, China, 610500
4 State Key Laboratory of Oil & Gas Geology and Exploration, Chengdu, China, 610500

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Drilling engineering is a high input and risk underground project, which needs the real-time down-hole diagnosis and forecast technique. Drilling string vibration signal contains full and complex vibration waves, which contains the vibration of the drilling string caused by itself, the vibration stimulated by the interaction of bit and the formation, the vibration induced by colliding between drill string and bore hole. By adopting drilling string vibration testing system, downhole vibration can be measured in order to grasp and analyze the state of down-hole. Drilling string vibration testing system adopts the ADuC841 MCU as the core chip, and uses the high reliability technology in the design of the software and hardware. The storable down-hole drilling string vibration testing system has advantages of small size, low power consumption, vibration resistance and high temperature resistance. By high temperature test, vibration test, laboratory simulation test and field test, it proves that the down-hole drilling string vibration testing system has the ability to accurately record the actual down-hole drill string dynamic vibration status, and the system can meet the needs of the drilling site testing.

Keywords: ADuC841, data acquisition, drilling string, drilling engineering, vibration testing.