Waste Heat Reutilization of Calcined Petroleum Coke

Bin Zheng1, Yongqi Liu1, Ruixiang Liu1, Zuofeng Wang2, Zuoren Wang2, Xiaoni Qi1
1 School of Transportation and Vehicle Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255049, China;
2 Weifang Lianxing New Material Technology Co., Ltd., Weifang 262737, China

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* Address correspondence to this author at the School of Transportation and Vehicle Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255049, China.


The waste heat reutilization system of calcined petroleum coke (CPC), installed in the tank calcined furnace, was built. The waste heat reutilization exchanger, included outer heat exchanger and inner heat exchanger, was designed. The axial fins be equipped with heat exchanger tube. The reutilization ratio of waste heat and temperature distribution of CPC were studied. The results showed that the waste heat of CPC is utilized by waste heat reutilization exchanger. The average reutilization ratio of waste heat is 78.9%. Temperature of CPC decrease from heat exchanger inlet to outlet. In the horizontal plane, the maximum temperature point is the middle of space between inner heat exchanger and outer heat exchanger. In the heat exchanger outlet, the temperature of CPC is low. The nonuniformity coefficient value of temperature is 0.0757. The uniformity degree of temperature is better. The oxidation combustion reaction could be prevented.

Keywords: Calcined petroleum coke, fin-and-tube, heat exchanger.