Visible Research of Loading Speed in Vertical Gas Well

Wang Xiuwu1, Liao Ruiquan1, *, Liu Jie1, Wang Xiaowei2
1 CNPC Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Production, Yangtze University, Wuhan, 430100, P.R. China;
2 Operating Region of Cainan Oilfield, Xinjiang Oilfield Company, Cainan, Xinjiang, 831511, P.R. China

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© 2015 Ruiquan et al.;

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For gas well under certain conditions, formation water production is inevitable in the later development; Formation water production is harmful to the normal production, it may cause liquid loading, flooding or even stop production. Based on the study of liquid loading and the rate laws of liquid loading, taking corresponding measures for the gas well is important. Simulating formation liquid production of gas wells with single rate under wellbore conditions, observing and measuring liquid loading rate through the experiment, summing up the liquid loading rate law of wellbore, are significant to the stability of gas well.

Keywords: Airflow carrying liquid, Liquid loading, liquid loading rate.