New Reservoir Grading Method for Tight Gas Reservoir – One Case Study in Kekeya Block, Tuha Basin, China

Fangfang Wu1, *, Jinchuan Zhang1, Liuzhong Li2, Jinlong Wu3
1 Schoole of Energy Resources, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), No. 29 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100083, P.R. China;
2 Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration Development, PetroChina Tuha Oilfield Company, Hami 839009, P.R. China;
3 Schlumberger China, No.14 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100015, P.R. China

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Tight sand reservoir is usually characterized by high heterogeneity and complex pore structure, which makes the permeability calculation a big challenge and leads to difficulties in reservoir classification and productivity evaluation. First, five different Hydraulic Flow Units and respective Porosity-permeability relations were built based on core dataset from Kekeya block, Tuha Basin; and then with BP Neutron Network method, flow unit was classified for un-cored intervals using normalized logging data, and permeability was calculated accordingly. This improved the accuracy of permeability calculation and helped a lot on un-cored reservoir evaluation. In addition, based on porosity, permeability and flow unit type, a new reservoir grading chart was set up by incorporating the testing or production data, which provides important guidance for productivity prediction and reservoir development.

Keywords: BP neutral network, Hydraulic flow unit, Logging data, Permeability, Reservoir grading, Tight sand.