A Calculation Model of the Net Pressure for Forming Map Cracking in Coalbed with Cleats During Hydraulic Fracturing Process

Li Yuwei*, Ai Chi, Liu Yazhen
College of Petroleum Engineering, Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing 163318, Heilongjiang province, China.

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© 2015 Yuwei et al.;

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An important prerequisite for achieving efficient exploitation of coalbed methane wells is through forming map cracking by hydraulic fracturing. In order to analyze the mechanical mechanism for forming map cracking of the coal bed with cleats, the mechanical conditions for forming map cracking during hydraulic fracturing process of coal bed was proposed using extensional faulting in elastic mechanics and the shear damage criterion, and the minimum net pressure calculation model for forming map cracking was established when the butt cleat and face cleat in coal opened at the same time. It can be concluded through using the calculation model that the net pressure value that needed for forming map cracking first decreased and then increased with the increasing of the angle between the face cleat and the direction of horizontal minimum principal stress. The cleats and fissures developed along the horizontal maximum principal stress were easy to open and extend under the effect of hydraulic fracturing. The variation of the internal friction coefficient variation of the face cleat had little effect on the minimum net pressure that was needed for forming map fracturing after the angle between the direction of face cleat and horizontal minimum principal stress is determined.

Keywords: Coal bed, hydraulic fracturing, map cracking, net pressure.