The Research of Capillary Pressure in the Process of CO Displacement in Low-Permeability Reservoir

Li Jiqiang*, Huang Xiaoliang, Niu Xiaofeng, Yuan Yingzhong, Yan Wende
School of Oil and Gas Engineering, CQUST, Chongqing, 401331, P.R. China

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© 2015 Jiqiang et al.;

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The function of capillary pressure in the process of CO displacement in low-permeability reservoir is researched through combination of indoor experiments and numerical simulation. On the basis of different displacement experiments in long core chamber, one-dimensional numerical simulation component model is built to research the function of capillary pressure under the different CO displacement ways. The results show that the capillary pressure under the different CO displacement ways is not consistent. Capillary pressure is the driving force in the process of CO displacement while resistance force in the process of CO pressure buildup and displacement. In order to promote reasonable and efficient development of low-permeability reservoirs, it is suggested that further study about microscopic effects and laws of the capillary pressure in the reservoir should be done through experiment.

Keywords: Carbon dioxide, Capillary pressure, Displacement, Low-permeability reservoir, Numerical simulation.