Predicting the Relative Permeability of Water Phase Based on Theory of Coupled Electricity-Seepage and Capillary Bundle Model

Xinmin Ge1, 2, Yiren Fan1, 2, Donghui Xing1, 2, Jingying Chen3, Yunhai Cong4, Lailei Liu5
1 School of Geosciences in China University of Petroleum, Qingdao 266580, China;
2 CNPC Key Well Logging Laboratory in China University of Petroleum, Qingdao 266580, China;
3 Exploration & Development Research Institute of Petrochina Jidong Oilfield Company, CNPC, Tangshan 063200, China;
4 Geological Research Institute of Great Wall Drilling Company, CNPC, Panjin 124010, China;
5 China Petroleum Logging CO. LTD., CNPC, Xi'an 710077, China

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An analytical water relative model based on the theory of coupled electricity-seepage and capillary bundle pore structure is described. The model shows that the relative permeability of water is affected by two kinds of parameters, which are depicted as static parameters and dynamic parameters. Revised Kozeny-Carman equation and Archie formulas are introduced to deduce the model, which enhance the characterization ability of pore structure. Two displacing states, where we summarized that oil coats capillary walls and oil occupies capillary centers are also discussed for optimization of the model. In contrast to existing empirical formulas where relative permeability is strongly related to capillary pressure and fractal dimension, we introduce only water saturation and saturation index as input parameters, which make the model simpler to use. Petrophysics and unsteady relative permeability experiments (oil displacing water) are carried out to testify the two models. The fitting results show that for oil displacing experiments presented in this paper, the displacing state where oil coats capillary walls is suitable to predict the relative permeability of water.

Keywords: Archie formulas, coupled electricity-seepage, displacing state, relative permeability of water, revised Kozeny-Carman equation.