Logging Evaluation Method for Pore Pressure of Shale Gas Reservoirs- Taking Fuling Area, Sichuan Basin as an Example

Hao Shibo, Jin Wujun*
Petroleum Exploration and development Research Institute, SINOPEC, Beijing 100083, China.

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© 2015 Wujun et al.;

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Correspondence: * Address correspondence to this author at the Petroleum Exploration and development Research Institute, SINOPEC, Beijing 100083, China; E-mail:


Unconventional oil and gas resources, especially shale gas resources have great potential for exploration and development in China. In Shale gas exploration and development process, reservoir pore pressure is a very important parameter, and the pore pressure prediction can improve the appraisal accuracy of project dessert. This paper analyzes several formation pore pressure calculation methods based on logging data, and optimized the “Equivalent depth method”. The preliminary results show that this method can carry out the accurate evaluation on the abnormal high pressure of the shale gas reservoirs of Fuling area with high calculation precision and application potential.

Keywords: Equivalent depth method, logging evaluation, normal compaction trend, pore pressure.