Prediction of Wellbore Temperatures During the Scientific Ultra-Deep Drilling Process

Fanhe Meng, Aiguo Yao*, Shuwei Dong
Faculty of Engineering, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, 430074, P.R. China.

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© 2015 Yao et al.;

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In order to carry out a series of key basic researches, a scientific ultra-deep drilling plan is being undertaken in China. Wellbore temperature is one of the key factors during the drilling process. In this paper, we established a twodimensional transient numerical model to predict the ultra-deep wellbore temperature distributions during circulation and shut-in stages. The simulation results indicate that the cooling effect of drilling fluid circulation is very obvious, especially during the inception phase. Drilling fluid viscosity has great influence on the temperature distributions during circulation stage: the lower the viscosity, the higher the bottomhole temperature. While drilling fluid displacement and inlet temperature have a little effect on the bottomhole temperature. During the shut-in stage, the wellbore temperature recovery is a slow process.

Keywords: Finite difference method, Scientific drilling, Transient temperature, Ultra-deep well.