Stability Research on the Effect of Oil Spill Dispersant II - Impact of Wave Intensity

Qiao-min Wang*, Bing Sun, Zhi-yu Yan, Xiao-mei Zhu, Hui Liu, Yan-bin Xin
Linghai Road, Dalian, China. Postcard: 116026.

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© 2015 Sun et al.;

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The oil spill dispersant (OSD) play an important role to deal with the frequent oil spills in the marine environment, which can effectively reduce the interfacial tension between the oil and the seawater. However, there are many studies showing the stability of the OSD effect changes over time, and is related with the wave. In this paper, the results show the OSD will gradually move away from the oil, and the quantity and speed of the removed OSD is influenced by the intensity and duration of the wave action. The stability mechanism of the OSD effect is proposed in this study. The results of this study provide methods for the research on the stability mechanism of the OSD, as well as the theoretical basis for the comprehensive evaluation and the rational use of the OSD.

Keywords: Effect, oil spill dispersant, stability, wave action.