Predicting the Oil Well Production Based on Multi Expression Programming

Xin Ma*, Zhi-bin Liu
School of Science, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China

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* Address correspondence to this author at the School of Science, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China; E-mail:


Predicting the oil well production is very important and also quite a complex mission for the petroleum engineering. Due to its complexity, the previous empirical methods could not perform well for different kind of wells, and intelligent methods are applied to solve this problem. In this paper the multi expression programming (MEP) method has been employed to build the prediction model for oil well production, combined with the phase space reconstruction technique. The MEP has shown a better performance than the back propagation networks, gene expression programming method and the Arps decline model in the experiments, and it has also been shown that the optimal state of the MEP could be easily obtained, which could overcome the over-fitting.

Keywords: ANN, gene expression programming, genetic algorithm, MEP, oil well production.