Production Analysis of Tight Sandstone Reservoir in Consideration of Stress-Sensitive Permeability

Yinghao Shen1, *, Xinyu Yang2, Yuelei Zhang3
1 Unconventional Natural Gas Research Institute, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, P.R. China
2 CNPC Bohai Drilling Engineering Company Limited, Tianjin, P.R. China
3 CNODC Brasil Peteoleo e Gas Ltda, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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Tight sandstone reservoirs play an important role in the oil industry. The permeability of tight sandstone reservoir generally has stronger stress sensitivity than that of conventional reservoir because of the latter’s poor physical properties. However, the production analysis of tight sandstone reservoir did not fully considered the stress-sensitive permeability yet.


This paper proposed a production analysis method considering the stress- sensitive permeability.


This paper firtstly investigated the stress sensitivity characteristics and the effect of stress-sensitive permeability on a tight reservoir. Decline-type curves that consider stress-sensitive permeability are then established, and a systematic analysis method was built for the production analysis to obtain the single-well controlled dynamic reserves and reservoir physical properties.


A field analysis was performed in combination with Block Yuan-284 of Changqing Oilfield. Results show that with the reduction of reservoir pressure, stress sensitivity leads to the decline in reservoir permeability and the increase in seepage resistance, thus reducing the actual single-well controlled reserve and radius.


By utilizing the analysis method based on the decline curves, we can effectively predict the single-well controlled dynamic reserves of such reservoirs and evaluate the characteristic parameters of reservoirs.

Keywords: Unconventional reservoir, Stress sensitive, Tight sandstone, Production analysis, Decline-type curves.