Evaluation of the Percolation Sensitivity of Loose Sandstone Using Digital Core Technology

Jin Pang1, Junnan Li1, *, Jie Liang1, XiaoLu Wang2, Mingqing Kui2
1 Chongqing University of Science and Technology, 20 ChengDong Road, Chongqing Shapingba District, Chongqing, China
2 Qinghai Oil Field, Dunhuang, 736202, China

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© 2018 Panget al.

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The integrity of the extracted core in loose sandstone gas reservoirs is poor, and because hydration and collapse easily occur, it is difficult to evaluate the sensitivity characteristics accurately by the traditional core flooding experiments.


We instead investigate the stress sensitivity and water sensitivity of the formation water soaking time using digital core technology.


We take the core of a loose sandstone gas reservoir as a research object and begin by scanning the core samples with a CT scanner. A three-dimensional image of the core can be obtained, the digital information extracted, the pore structure of the porous media mapped directly to the network, and a digital core established using the principles of fractal geometry. The three-dimensional pore network model can also be extracted. Next, we can compare and correct the results calculated by the model based on the real core experimental results, and an objective and effective digital core model can be obtained.

Results and Conclusion:

Finally, we can calculate the different effective stress, pore throat parameters (pore throat radius, shape factor, coordination number, pore-throat ratio) and relative permeability of different formation water injury times. The research results demonstrate that in sandstone gas reservoir development, as the effective stress continuously increases, the rock pore-throat parameters continue to decrease, and the permeability of the reservoir rock ultimately declines by more than 43.2%. Clay minerals will expand after the edge and bottom water intrude into the reservoir and soak it for a long time: the pore throat is significantly narrowed within 30 days, while after 30 days more, the pore throat undergoes any only slight further changes, and the final permeability decline of the reservoir rock is up to 5.7%. The research results provide important basic petrophysical data for the development of loose sandstone gas reservoirs which, in turn, provide a scientific basis for formulating a reasonable gas production rate in a gas reservoir.

Keywords: Digital core, Percolation characteristics, Loose sandstone, Sensitivity, Experiments, Clay minerals, Pore-throat.