Composite Advanced Detection for Coal Seam Thickness in Coal Roadway

Wang Bo1, 2, Zhang Xiayang1, 2, Liu Shengdong1, 2, *, Lu Tuo1, 2, Chen Mulan1
1 State Key Laboratory of Deep Geomechanics Underground Engineering, China University of Mining Technology, Xuzhou 221008, China;
2 School of Resources and Earth Science, China University of Mining Technology, Xuzhou 221008, China

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© 2015 Shengdong et al.;

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The thickness change of coal seam can be resulted from several reasons, like primary sedimentary environment and later tectonic deformation. The thickness change ahead of driving face may have an impact on the efficiency and safety of the mining progress, thus the advanced prediction of seam thickness is important. However, it is hard to predict the seam thickness with a single advanced detection method. This paper combines three methods, e.g., MSP, MRP, and MTEM to perform a joint detection, and makes data fusion through wavelet analysis, which makes use of the elastic wave field and geo-electrical field characteristics. A field test indicates that the prediction of seam thickness by means of integrated advanced detection is approximately accurate with an error less than 5%.

Keywords: Coal roadway, composite detection, elastic wave field, geo-electrical field, wavelet analysis.