Drilling Centers Maturity Model Evaluation Based on Integrated Operation Key Elements: A Case Study from Brazil

Claudio Benevenuto De Campos Lima1, 2, *, Vladimir Steffen Pinto2, Luis Gustavo Sobreira1, Rodrigo Nunes Ferreira2, Danilo Garbazza Vieira1, 2, Jose Francisco Tebaldi De Castro1, 2, Gilson Brito Alves Lima2
1 Petrobras, Brazil
2 Federal Fluminense University, Niteroi, Brazil

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The current economic situation is pushing the oil industry toward higher efficiency and safety, demanding different ways of work. Optimization is an increasingly important issue, which involves technology, sharing of real-time information, collaboration, and the application of multiple expertise across disciplines, organizations, and geographical locations. In this way, companies are introducing Integrated Operations to redesign and optimize many work processes. To address this challenging scenario, Petrobras, the Brazilian oil operator, decided to optimize the collaborative environments of its drilling centers which are critical for well construction, to introduce integration and improve efficiency. This article presents a methodological approach that is applicable across the oil industry, including a survey of drilling centers to document perceptions concerning the key Integrated Operations components: people, process, technology and organization. This approach applied an intensive assessment. The applicability and scalability of this methodology are reinforced by inclusion of statistical analysis of questionnaire responses. The study results were used to implement a unique collaborative environment that has decreased operating time and facilitated future operational improvements. The research pointed to positive impacts on both, the safety and performance aspects. The preliminary results are promising. For an example, it was observed a 7.25% decrease in time required for a casing run.

Keywords: Drilling centers, Integrated operations, Well construction, Performance improvement, Processes redesign.